
What Every Direct Marketer Must Know to Attract Enthusiastic, Cash-Waving Customers...
Secrets Of Direct Response Copywriting Revealed!


From the desk of Barry A. Densa
Dear Friends and Captains of Business,

isten closely. If you want to rocket to the top as an entrepreneur, a marketer, a business leader...you need to sell smarter, sell faster and sell more than your competition.
...Or, quite frankly, your business and your reputation...will be toast.
So what's the fastest, smartest way to get to the top...stay on top...and make a bundle of money along the way?
With compelling, eyeball-grabbing copy - Direct Response Copy!
Tight, focused, MONEY-SUCKING COPY that appeals to your reader's needs, wants, emotions and...their natural inclinations and sensibilities...doesn't just tell the story of your company, product or service.
IT COMPELS the reader to act - to buy, subscribe or inquire.
It splashes color, excitement and desire across the written page.
Expertly crafted direct response copy has the uncanny ability to reach out and grab your readers by the eyeballs and NOT let go.
By artfully constructing vivid, vibrant, truthful images and stories about your product or service, your reader's interest and desire are increased. And when they can no longer resist; when the fear of loss - lost opportunities, lost comforts - seizes their imagination - they quickly become your eager and willing customers.
But why would that be, you may ask?
Because as your readers begin to understand why they need...and how they'll truly benefit from your product or service...their skepticism, doubt and disbelief are suspended.
Because your message is clear, confident and empowering...they begin to trust you.
Because the more convinced and hungrier they become...the more they want what you have to offer.
Because as the copy stimulates and excites them...their emotions are aroused.
Because ...and pay close attention to this...99% of all purchase decisions are based on emotions - not logic or intellect!
And this, more than anything else...is why your readers will be moved to quick action...to buy, subscribe or inquire.
Fine-honed, sharply-written, no-holds-barred copy gets results...it's that simple!
Listen to me. People will respond and pay any price to those who, in words and deeds, encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and throw rocks at their enemies.
But, what if you don't know the most convincing words...or the most credible way of putting those words together to motivate...to compel...and command the patronage and trust of your target market?
"Learn The Magic Of Direct Response Copywriting"
Copywriting is salesmanship in print! It doesn't matter whether the "copy" is in a Web site, a direct mail sales letter, advertisement, brochure, press release or newsletter.
The purpose of well-written copy is to help you make the sale.
To do this the copy "voice" must be:
Natural...and enthusiastic
Conversational...and energetic
But...most importantly, it must be...believable.
It's absolutely crucial that the copy immediately cements a bond of trust between you and your reader...that it fosters a sense of shared identity, and a community of interest.
Talking to your audience about their needs and problems...and then, offering a credible solution...is always THE BEST WAY to make a sale.
"Motivating Copy Offers Solutions And Benefits, Not Just Features"
For example:
Mr. Jones wants to drill a hole in his living room wall so he can hang a picture. He drives to the hardware store to buy a drill bit. The salesman immediately shows Mr. Jones a bit made of tungsten steel, coated with a secret polymer, forged under strict governmental supervision, and guaranteed never to break, warp or loose its cutting edge. Does Mr. Jones care? No. Because Mr. Jones is not buying a drill bit - he's buying a hole in his wall.
Know what the customer wants and values. Sell the hole...not the bit!
My methodology for discovering what your target market truly values...and will pay for...is deceptively simple. I ask questions - lots and lots of questions; questions I've learned to ask based on over 15 years of sales and marketing experience.
And, when all my questions are answered, I write the copy that SUCKS THE MONEY OUT OF YOUR READER'S WALLET...or purse, as the case may be.
Excellent question! My copy has personality, originality, innovation, and when appropriate, a healthy dash of humor and irreverance. It can also be sober, straightforward and hard-hitting.
Either way...
My copy tells a story that uniquely engages and motivates your readers to action.
If you're looking for a copywriter who delivers more than expected and paid for; a copywriter who gives you professionally crafted, high-quality copy that's always completed on-time and with dependable consistency...and that will MAKE YOU MONEY...
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The Marketing Wit & Wisdom
of a Wise-Ass Copywriter:
My 21 Most Outrageous Rants
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Tel. 805.236.4801 -



